Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Exciting News!

*Exciting news*, im starting another blog! Unfortunately it will just be filled with posts about my FIT2001 unit, (its a hurdle to pass the subject) but im sure if you squint really really hard it could almost look interesting :P... almost.

So far week one has gotten off to a good start, we were introduced to POD (Peter O'Donnell) who can best be described as a character. His enthusiasm and quirky attitude has been unanimously deemed as a plus, and i personally believe it will make covering the material seem a lot less like a chore (well thats enough ego rubbing i think, my hands are getting tired).

We have been told that the first assignment will be presented in an mp3 format. This has me a little worried simply because i hate ambiguity, its far easier when you have a clear direction. But i can definitely see the positive aspects of this option, in a real life situation we would be relying heavily on notes that we have taken and because we will be allowed a follow up (speaking to the tute in a mock interview) for clarification im less worried about the apprehensions i currently feel.

My first tute is tomorrow so ill try and complain some more then.

Till next we meet,